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Abigail Chan – Artist Spotlight

Artist Spotlight, Kids Education, Online Art Classes

Artist Spotlight series brings to you the amazing students at the online classes by Nimmy’s Art and showcases their work, their love for art, and their journey till now. So get ready to be amazed!

Abigail Chan – Young Artist

Abigail with a wall art of all her artworks completed at the online classes by Nimmy's Art located in Katy, Texas
Abigail’s Artworks from Nimmy’s Art classes

Meet 9 year old Abigail Chan, who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area in California.

It has always been a delight to see her artwork in our online art classes. But as we spoke to her, we realized that Abigail is a gymnast, a great swimmer, a wonderful artist, a piano, and a violin player!

Which one of your passions interests you the most?

Abigail thought for a little while, trying to come to a conclusion. And finally said as she smiled, “I like all of them. I can’t choose.”

Abigail has always been a very active child. From a very young age, she used to try doing splits and cartwheels at home. This prompted her mother to send her for gymnastic lessons. As a parent, her mother wanted Abigail to learn and pursue her interests in a safe manner without hurting herself.

Today, Abigail is a beautiful gymnast, and she was all smiles and excited to show us some of her many amazing moves.

Abigail playing the piano and smiling while striking a pose
Abigail playing the piano and smiling while striking a pose
Abigail in a beautiful gymnastic pose, showing her flexibility and talent
Abigail in a beautiful gymnastic pose, showing her flexibility and talent
Abigail playing the violin with the help of her notes
Abigail playing the violin with the help of her notes

What do you like to draw?

“I personally like still life, and animals.”

Abigail enjoyed the Zebra we drew in one of our online art classes in pencil drawing and shading. Her zebra artwork is now with her grandparents who live in Hong Kong, and they absolutely love and adore her work.

Abigail had been taking after school lessons in art. It was during last summer camp that they discovered the online art classes by Nimmy. Ever since then, Abigail has been a student at the Young Artist art course and has never failed to amaze us with her beautiful work.

Which class at Nimmy’s Art did you like the most?

“The grapes!” As a lover of still life painting, it was her natural choice.

Abigail was quick to add some more of her favorites, as she loves all of them – the Halloween Cat in watercolor, The Mighty Peacock in Prisma colors, the Swan Paradise in watercolor and the Lighthouse in Acrylic.

Acrylic painting of a lighthouse completed in one of Nimmy's Art Online classes at Katy, Texas
Lighthouse in Acrylic by Abigail

She is also an ardent admirer of her younger sister, Zoe’s, artwork who is also a Little Artist at Nimmy’s online art classes. Watch this space for the Artist Spotlight on Zoe, coming soon.

Abigail and her sister Zoe with their winter artwork at Nimmy's Art online classes located in Katy, Texas
The very talented sisters – Abigail and Zoe

What’s your favorite medium?

“Watercolor and Acrylic.”

When asked why, she had very good reasoning to back her choice.

Watercolor is translucent. I love the transparency and it is very easy to blend.”

Swan Paradise watercolor painting completed in the online classes by Nimmy's Art at Katy, Texas.
Swan Paradise – Watercolor Painting by Abigail

“Acrylic is harder to blend but I like that it is easy to correct our mistakes if something goes wrong.”

Abigail won the Halloween Pumpkin Art Contest in her school. She was very excited to show us her winning craftwork.

Abigail with her Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book, and the Halloween craft that won her the prize at the Halloween Pumpkin Art Contest in her neighborhood.
Abigail with her Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire book, and the Halloween craft that won her the prize at the Halloween Pumpkin Art Contest in her neighborhood.
Abigail's craft that won her the Pumpkin Art Contest
Abigail's craft that won her the Pumpkin Art Contest

What do you think about online classes?

“I like it now because I know it’s safer and it gives me a lot of time to spend with my family.”

We admired her positive attitude in finding the good and being grateful for it.

Abigail is very good at speeches and has taken part in many competitions. She loves reading and is quite the Harry Potter fan. She has already completed all 7 books and is also the proud owner of the Elder Wand.

Abigail’s Art Tips

Tip 1:

“For doing a night sky of stars, you can use salt instead of white in watercolor, and it will really shine.”

Tip 2:

“If you can’t blend, use water to sweep up and down between the two colors. Keep doing it while wet, and it will blend.”

We love her tips and tricks. So cool!

The Halloween Cat watercolor painting completed in the online classes by Nimmy's Art in Katy, Texas.
The Halloween Cat in Watercolor by Abigail

Abigail’s mother, who is an art lover herself, has seen an improvement in Abigail’s patience and focus after she attended our online art classes, and is looking forward to our classes in January. She always participates in the free monthly workshop and considers it a time to do something together as a family.

As we kept talking, the girls were all in giggles running around and playing with the Elder wand.

That’s Abigail Chan, my friends. The lovely girl, with lots of energy, having fun with her sister and smiling all the way. But when posed with a question, answering very maturely with well thought out opinions.

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Stay tuned for our next artist spotlight.

Nimmy Melvin, the award-winning visual artist, envisions nature, the surroundings, and every object around through a different perspective. An expert in the usage of different mediums of painting, including acrylic, oil painting, watercolor, and oil pastels, she has the knack to inculcate knowledge in kids.

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