2025-03-13 21:10:00

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Artist Spotlight series brings to you the amazing students at Nimmy’s Art and showcases their work, their love for art, and their journey till now. So get ready to be amazed!

Emilia Mei – Young Artist

Today we are meeting Emilia, a lovely 6-year old girl who is in grade one.

All art works completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art in multiple mediums
Art works completed in the online art classes at Nimmy’s Art in multiple mediums

Emilia is not just beautiful but she is amazingly inquisitive. She loves to know the reasons behind a lot of things and has great learning capability even beyond her age. She started showing interest in drawing and painting at an early age and with a supportive family, along with learning at our online art class, Emilia has been sailing brilliantly on the sea of art. So grab a seat, relax and join us on a voyage to Emilia’s world.

Emilia's first artwork with Nimmy's Art online art classes
Emilia’s first artwork with Nimmy

What is your favorite medium in art?

“I like oil pastels” she replied shyly.

Emilia loves to think for a while before giving her opinions.

Emilia’s favorite color is pink and her favorite artwork so far is a remarkable painting of a puppy.

Emilia's favorite puppy painting
Emilia's favorite puppy painting
Oil pastel artwork completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Oil pastel artwork completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Paul Cezanne inspired oil pastel artwork completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Paul Cezanne inspired oil pastel artwork completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas

What do you like to draw the most?

 “I like to draw rainbows and flowers” she replied because the rainbow is colorful and flowers are beautiful to behold.

Emilia and her brother also love rock painting. They collect rocks from their hikes and paint them at home.

Rock painting with her brother
Rock painting with her brother
Cooking with her family
Cooking with her family

She also helps with cooking at home and loves their family time together, be it hiking, painting in their backyard or playing hide and seek with her family.

What else do you like other than Arts?

Emilia loves to swim. Her favorite vacation is going to Kalahari. She loves going on hikes too and her favorite activity while hiking is finding fairy statues.

Fairy statues found during hiking
Fairy statues found during hiking

Emilia absolutely loves music – Hakuna Matata and Can’t wait to be king are her favorites.

She recently learned to ride the bike without training wheels.

Emilia also loves rock climbing at the Gym and her latest accomplishment is doing the monkey bars by herself. Awesome!

Frida Kahlo Portrait painting for kids in acrylic, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Frida Kahlo Portrait painting for kids in acrylic, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy’s Art

What’s your favorite subject?

“Reading.” Emilia loves reading a lot.

She devours books of all types but she loves princesses and unicorns. Despite being in her 1st grade, Emilia is reading at a 3rd-grade level!

Most times Emilia spends time reading books or poems with her dad and brother. She recently got a new book called “The Secret Explorer and The Jurassic Rescue” which she read and completed that very afternoon. Emilia is truly a lover of books!

What do you like about Nimmy’s classes the most?

“I love her patience in answering questions and her artworks.”

Lotus in acrylic, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Lotus in acrylic, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Winter landscape in acrylic, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Winter landscape in acrylic, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas

What would you like to be when you grow up?.

“Every day I’m learning new things and I keep changing my mind about what I want to be.” She said.

Our pretty Emilia isn’t quite sure of what she wants to be in the future yet as her decision keeps changing as she encounters each profession.

She once told her dad she would be an astronaut but her dad thinks she might grow to become a veterinarian because she loves baby animals a lot. She is currently reading a book titled ‘Secrets of the Zoo: Tampa’.

Prisma color artwork - The Mighty Peacock, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Prisma color artwork - The Mighty Peacock, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas

Whatever decision she makes, we hope Emilia becomes great and maximizes her potentials in the future.

If you were an art teacher what will your art tip be?

“Learning never stops in art. You keep learning until you are perfect.”

Exactly Emilia! We should never stop learning. Art mediums range from Acrylic paint to Oil pastels, to Gouache, etc and there is always room to learn and experiment more. We love to see our young artists progress and develop your talent in arts.

Watercolor artwork - Swan Paradise, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Watercolor artwork - Swan Paradise, completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Monochrome painting in watercolors completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas
Monochrome painting in watercolors completed in the online art classes at Nimmy's Art, Katy, Texas

We have come to the end of today’s series and we hope you loved every part of meeting this talented little girl just like we did.

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Stay tuned for our next artist spotlight.

Nimmy Melvin, the award-winning visual artist, envisions nature, the surroundings, and every object around through a different perspective. An expert in the usage of different mediums of painting, including acrylic, oil painting, watercolor, and oil pastels, she has the knack to inculcate knowledge in kids.

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