Artist Spotlight blog series brings to you the amazing students at the art classes by Nimmy’s Art and showcases their work, their love for art, and their journey till now. So get ready to be amazed!
Shreetan Samudrala – Love For Art
Shreetan Samudrala is a 6 year old boy with a love for art, who has many interests. He draws, plays the piano, he even knows how to play Badminton. He is interested in many different things. When he grows up, Shreetan wants to be a doctor, a policeman, piano teacher, and a singer. We love this ambitious little boy who is a regular at the online art classes with Nimmy’s love for art class. So let’s hear more.

Shreetan Samudrala is our little artist on the artist spotlight this week because he has a grand love for art. He is excited to be a part of it. Shreetan is a young boy who is moving to second grade next year. He lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. He loves the city except for when it is cold. His friends live a bit far away and when he has a chance, he visits them and plays with them.
Shreetan is following many classes online. He likes what he learns in school about Social History, Math, and Science. But his favorite subject by far is piano because, “It is easy to play”, he says.
His father told us that he has just started taking piano lessons and he loves it. He even wants to become a piano teacher and teach people how to play the instrument.
When did you first start to draw?
“When I was 3 years old.”
His father noticed his attraction towards drawing and at the age of 3, he drew a really nice picture of a duck. This was the age when Shreetan had started to draw on a board with markers. Shreetan remembers the duck drawing as a really easy one.
Seeing his talent and fascination, his parents signed him up in the school nearby and he started taking art classes locally.
Why do you like drawing?
“I can blend colors and drawing has many techniques”. His favorite medium is acrylic. When we asked why acrylic is his favorite, he said, “Because it’s hard.”
He was also quick to add a very heartfelt comment, “But art makes me happy.”
Before he started visiting Nimmy’s Art classes, he loved to paint with watercolors but he wasn’t very happy with the results. So now he learned how to do it.
Shreetan absolutely loves mixing colors. His favorite color is yellow and he loved it when the class was drawing the fruit basket. But his favorite drawing from the Nimmy’s Art classes is – The girl doing the ice-skating.
He was very excited about the Olaf painting too that we painted in our free family art class.
What do you like to draw the most in your free time?
“Superheroes. Superman is my favorite”.
He loves Superman because he can fly.
What else do you do besides drawing?
“I like to read.”
The enjoyed reading a book called “A book of colors”. He loves reading comic books as well.
Shreetan is also interested in sports. Although he loves to play Badminton and learned it when he was 4 years old, his favorite sport is soccer.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
“Policeman. Because there is so much work to do! But I also like to teach!”
He would love to become a teacher one day and a doctor as well. And he would love to sing and to become a singer. And of course to give people piano lessons.
If you were and art instructor what tips would you give to your students?
“First to blend the colors on a plain paper, and then put it in a real drawing. Because mixing colors makes the drawing look real”.
What a great advice, don’t you agree?
He says that he will teach his student acrylic and how to draw using oil pastels and also watercolors.
We enjoyed Shreetan’s company and loved hearing about all the amazing things he is doing at such a young age. He can’t wait for the online art classes to switch in classes in the classrooms or the art school. Shreetan has so many interests and things he does, and we can’t wait to hear and see what is next from him!
Stay tuned for our next artist spotlight.
Nimmy Melvin, the award-winning visual artist, envisions nature, the surroundings, and every object around through a different perspective. An expert in the usage of different mediums of painting, including acrylic, oil painting, watercolor, and oil pastels, she has the knack to inculcate knowledge in kids.